PtI overseas portal for Donations,

In recent times, the political landscape in Pakistan has witnessed significant turbulence, with Imran Khan, the Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), facing legal challenges that many believe are politically motivated. As he contends with fake cases and an unconventional trial process within the confines of a jail, the need for support has never been more crucial. Donate via

Donate Imran Khan PTI

Why Donate?

Imran Khan’s struggle for justice requires financial backing to ensure a fair legal battle. Overseas Pakistanis, known for their unwavering support for the homeland, are being called upon to contribute to his legal defense fund. By donating via ptioverseas portal, you become an integral part of the fight for justice and the preservation of democratic values.

Donation Details ptioverseas portal

RecipientImran Khan, Chairman PTI
PurposeLegal Defense Fund
WhereOverseas PTI Donation Page
HowCredit Card, Apple Pay
WhySupport Fair Trial and Democracy

How to Donate: A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Visit the Donation Page:

2. Choose Your Location:

  • If you’re in the USA, select “Donate from USA.”
  • For other countries, choose “Donate from Rest of the World.”

3. Select Your Contribution:

  • Choose the amount you wish to donate.

4. Click on Donate:

  • Hit the donate button to proceed.

5. Checkout Process:

  • You’ll be directed to the checkout page.

6. Enter Your Information:

  • Fill in the required details.

7. Payment Options:

  • Select your preferred payment method (Credit Card or Apple Pay).

8. Complete the Donation:

  • Click on the final button to complete your donation.

Donate Now!

Why Your Support Matters

Imran Khan’s fight extends beyond personal challenges; it symbolizes the struggle for justice, fairness, and democracy in Pakistan. Your donation becomes a powerful statement in favor of these principles, showing solidarity with those who champion a just and transparent legal system.


In supporting Imran Khan’s legal battle, you contribute not just financially, but also to the ideals of justice and democracy. Every donation, regardless of size, makes a meaningful impact in ensuring a fair and impartial trial for Imran Khan.

Stand with Imran Khan. Donate today via portal.

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